There are two consultations on the revised GCSE, due to take effect from 2016: the Department for Education is consulting on subject content and Ofqual is consulting on assessment. We need your help in both, so we’ve made it easy for you. In partnership with Democratic Life, the Citizenship Foundation and ACT have developed example […]
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Twice the fun! TWO GCSE consultations launched – please respond!
Thursday, September 25th, 2014
Two important consultations on the new citizenship GCSE were launched today by the Department for Education and exam regulator Ofqual. The DfE’s consultation for the new GCSE looks at subject content, while Ofqual’s consultation looks at assessment. Please respond to the consultations to help ensure the GCSE is as good as it can be. In collaboration with Democratic Life partners, we […]
…Continue reading 'Twice the fun! TWO GCSE consultations launched – please respond!'Let’s not waste this opportunity to revive an enthusiasm for politics
Friday, September 19th, 2014
The referendum in Scotland may be over, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg: it will have a huge impact on everyone in the UK, but we don’t know what that impact will be. How can we help our young people make sense of it all? Well, in England and Wales we have a […]
…Continue reading 'Let’s not waste this opportunity to revive an enthusiasm for politics'Big changes expected to new citizenship GCSEs from 2016
Tuesday, September 16th, 2014
Let’s start with the good news. New GCSEs in Citizenship Studies are to be developed for 2016 and will continue to count in school performance tables. And the not so good news… GCSE numbers decline The overall number of students taking GCSE Citizenship Studies has declined dramatically since 2010, but this year there was some good […]
…Continue reading 'Big changes expected to new citizenship GCSEs from 2016'Citizenship Expert Group publishes teaching resources guide for NC 2014
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014
The Expert Group for Citizenship has published a resources digest to support teachers in preparing for the revised National Curriculum for citizenship 2014. The resources digest is organised around key topics and skills and the phase of education they are applicable to. Topics include: democracy and government rights and responsibilities fairness, justice, the law economy […]
…Continue reading 'Citizenship Expert Group publishes teaching resources guide for NC 2014'PSA 'Beyond the Youth Citizenship Commission' calls on all political parties for action to get young people involved in politics
Friday, April 25th, 2014
As part of its on-going commitment to promoting political activism and democratic engagement, the Political Studies Association has announced the publication of, ‘Beyond the Youth Citizenship Commission: Young People and Politics‘. It builds on the work of the Youth Citizenship Commission and seeks to further energise debates about young people and democratic participation. The publication […]
…Continue reading 'PSA 'Beyond the Youth Citizenship Commission' calls on all political parties for action to get young people involved in politics'DFE confirms reforms to GSCE Citizenship Studies for 2016
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
Michael Gove has announced today (9 April 2014) further reforms to GCSE and A level qualifications. Citizenship Studies will be in the first group of GCSE qualification subjects to be reformed. Mr Gove said, “We are introducing more rigorous content into reformed GCSEs and A levels to be taught from September 2016 and 2015 respectively. […]
…Continue reading 'DFE confirms reforms to GSCE Citizenship Studies for 2016'Blunkett: Gove must address citizenship's status in the curriculum before it is too late
Friday, March 7th, 2014
David Blunkett recently told the House of Commons that, while he is pleased with Michael Gove for keeping citizenship in the national curriculum, its parity with other subjects needs addressing if we are to avoid turning young people off public engagement. ‘I was very pleased that the Secretary of State for Education—I do not often […]
…Continue reading 'Blunkett: Gove must address citizenship's status in the curriculum before it is too late'Amnesty 'Power of the Pen' resource now available for KS2&3
Monday, February 24th, 2014
Every year, Amnesty inspires thousands of people to write letters to help stop human rights abuses. These letters hold governments to account, protect lives, and show support to people around the world. Their Power of the Pen resource is now available for key stages 2 and 3. It helps students discover the impact their words […]
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Citizenship GCSE assessment discussion events
GCSEs are being reformed, so Ofqual is consulting on how it should assess them. As part of that consultation, the exam regulator is running short ‘discussion events’ for each subject. Ofqual’s discussion events for citizenship are in Birmingham on 11 November and London on 13 November. The consultation is one of two that run until the middle of November 2014. […]
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