About us
We are calling on politicians from all parties to support citizenship education so that it remains in the national curriculum and schools continue to improve the teaching of the subject.
We believe citizenship education – through teaching about politics, the law and the economy and by providing opportunities for young people to gain the skills they need to take part in society – is essential for preparing young people for responsible participation in our shared democratic life.
Democratic Life is a coalition of organisations and individuals in the UK seeking to strengthen and extend young people’s entitlement to high-quality citizenship education in England.
For further information read Democratic Life’s terms of reference [pdf].
Contact us
You can email us at hello@democraticlife.org.uk.
Founding Members:
- Amnesty International
- Association for Citizenship Teaching
- British Youth Council
- Changemakers
- Citizenship Foundation
- CSV (Community Service Volunteers)
- Hansard Society
- Institute for Global Ethics UK Trust
- involver
Supporting organisations:
- ActionAid UK
- Anne Frank Trust UK
- British Humanist Association
- British Institute of Human Rights
- Civic Voice
- The Co-operative
- Democracy Matters
- English PEN
- Envision
- Fairbridge
- Five Nations Network
- Hands Up Who’s Bored
- Institute for Citizenship
- International Centre for Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC)
- The Law Society
- Media Trust
- National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE)
- National Youth Agency
- NUS (National Union of Students)
- Oxfam GB
- Public Legal Education Network (PLENET)
- Student Voice (was English Secondary Students’ Association)
- UK National Commission for UNESCO
- UK Youth
- United Nations Association – UK
- Unlock Democracy
- Youth Action Network