Parliament Week – a great time to get an MP in to your school

Tuesday 27 September 2011

This November will see the UK’s first ever Parliament Week. It’s a great opportunity to get your MP in to your school to talk with students and staff about the relationship between youth, politics and citizenship.

Why not invite them to one of your Citizenship lessons (or even to teach one)? You can then ask them what they think of the possibility of Citizenship being dropped from the National Curriculum and make sure they hear your views on it too. Remember they are in Parliament to represent you, so make your position clear and ask them to defend Citizenship on behalf of their constituents.

Don’t know how to contact your MP? Don’t worry: simply enter your postcode below and you’ll be taken to, where your politicians’ contact details will be waiting.

For more advice on getting a Parliamentarian in to your school, have a look at the Hansard Society’s excellent guide: Parliamentarians in School

Other members of Democratic Life are creating more free resources to help you get MPs in to your Citizenship lessons, we’ll post about them as soon News as they’re available, so keep checking back.

Tell us in the comments which politicians you’ve invited and what you’re going to ask them.

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