Attending party conferences? Spread the word about Democratic Life!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Party conference season is fast approaching and with it comes innumerable opportunities for campaigns to gather information and influence debates.

We know many of our supporters will be attending party conferences and we’re hoping that you will help spread the word about our campaign to keep citizenship education in the National Curriculum.

Whether you’re attending as an organisation or an individual, there are some simple actions you can take to support Democratic Life:

  • Attend relevant events (on education, young people, engaging more people with politics etc);
  • Let us know if you hear anything interesting related to citizenship education;
  • Ask questions at events to draw out panelists’ views on citizenship ā€“ and mention Democratic Life if you can!
  • Spread the word about Democratic Life: this website has a wealth of information about the campaign, and citizenship education more broadly. Interested parties can also register support.

We’ve put together a briefing for our supporters attending party conferences ā€“ it covers who we are, what we are campaigning for and our achievements.

If you are attending party conferences, please take the briefing with you and let us know how you get on!

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