Democratic Life are thrilled to have Oxfam join and support the campaign to champion citizenship education. They wrote to us to tell us why they feel citizenship education is so important:
“According to Ipsos-MORI, over two thirds of pupils believe they can do something to help make the world a better place, and three-quarters believe that it is important that schools help them understand what this could be1. We therefore know that young people don’t just care about the wider world, they want to play an active role in improving it.
At Oxfam we firmly believe that young people deserve the opportunity to develop as informed, responsible and active global citizens. To achieve this young people need to be given the skills to negotiate the complex nature of many of the problems we face, and to gain the confidence to act.
This is only possible through devoting time and space within the school curriculum to develop political and media literacy, consider and debate rights and responsibilities, develop their ability to think critically, and practise the skills of advocacy and representation. Such skills empower young people to play an active role within society.
Without Citizenship Studies, which aims specifically to develop these skills, schools may find it harder to meet the needs of young people adequately. It also risks de-valuing the importance of such skills within school.
If we are to live in a more democratic, equitable and just society it is essential that we support young people in becoming the active citizens they want and deserve to be. ”
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